The mission of the BUAA board is three-fold:
- Represent alumni: by interacting with and soliciting input from alumni constituents; supporting alumni groups, and collaborating with administration concerning matters essential to the interests and concerns of alumni.
- Promote and enhance Bucknell University: by encouraging alumni and students to recognize the mutual benefits of continued engagement with the University; educating the alumni community about developments on campus and about the work of the BUAA; and supporting efforts to advance the University’s standing and reputation.
- Engage Bucknellians: by enhancing communications between campus and alumni groups, providing services and programs beneficial to alumni and alumni groups; participating in regional and campus alumni activities; and disseminating information about the University and BUAA.
During the winter BUAA Board of Directors meeting, committees convened to explore the current state of engagement efforts. Check out some of the upcoming activities and programs created to connect Bucknellians across the globe.
The Bucknell Table
Food + Bucknellians + inspiring conversation. What could be better? The Bucknell Table is a BUAA initiative designed to celebrate the Bucknell bond in an intimate dining setting. These events bring together up to 12 alumni for a meal where the common link is Bucknell: experiences, ideas, the current campus climate, and more.
These events offer a unique opportunity to connect and network with Bucknellians in your area from a variety of class years and backgrounds. Be on the lookout for Bucknell Table events in your neighborhood!
Interested in hosting? Contact for more information. We’ll see you at the dinner table!
Bucknell CARES
Bucknellians across the country are gearing up to give back to their communities this spring in a big way.
The Bucknell CARES (Clubs Annual Regional Events of Service) movement is a nationwide volunteer effort supported by the BUAA board and designed to bring alumni, students, parents and friends of Bucknell together to improve their local communities.
In 2018, more than 340 Bucknellians across the nation came together through a total of 26 service events. The theme for 2019 focuses on Hunger Relief and Food Insecurity and to date, there are over 20 CARES events scheduled across the nation (and more coming) that YOU can be part of!
Click here to learn more about Bucknell CARES, and be sure to check out the regional events calendar to find an event near you. Will you help us show the world that Bucknell CARES?
Reunion Weekend
Reunion Weekend is undoubtedly one of the most beloved events among Bucknell alumni. With private class dinners, all-class celebrations, family-friendly activities, fireworks and more, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime (well, once-every-fifth-year) opportunity for Bucknellians to return to campus to reconnect, reminisce and relive.
A complex event of this nature takes a tremendous effort, not just from Bucknell staff, but also volunteers. Behind the scenes, you’ll find the BUAA board helping to recruit alumni volunteers among the celebrating class years to ensure that key roles are filled. This alumni-to-alumni connection is not only fun, but also helps bring more alumni back to campus to create a memorable event.
Whether you’re motivated by volunteering and would like to be part of your class planning committee, you’re a connector and would like to assist with your class outreach efforts, or you are simply counting down the days until you can attend your next Reunion, we hope all alumni will find a special way to experience this unique event.
This year, we celebrate alumni in class years ending in 4 and 9 and all emeritus classes. If you’re returning to campus, be sure to look out for the Reunion Edition of the Bucknellian – created by alumni, for alumni – on and around campus during Reunion Weekend! For more information on Reunion Weekend 2019, May 30-June 2, visit
Does your class year end in 0 or 5? We are looking for volunteer leaders for Reunion Weekend 2020! Fill out the volunteer form to express your interest.
Committee Spotlight: Career Advisory
Did you know: The BUAA board helps students, too? The board is committed to providing students with opportunities to discover their future career paths with touchpoints during the four years that they are on campus and beyond. The board’s Career Advisory Committee has been focused on exploring and evaluating some of the key events designed to connect students and alumni which include First Night, Sophomore Lunch, Junior Mock Interviews and Senior Sunset.
The popular and high-impact Annual Sophomore Lunch, co-hosted by the Career Development Center, has continued to be hugely successful. This year, the lunch was held in the Homecoming Tent during the board’s Fall meeting where students enjoyed a meal, a panel discussion and time to network with BUAA board members. The panel was centered on the What, Why & How of Networking and was followed by a Q&A session during which time students were able to ask questions and interact with panelists which represented a wide range of careers and class years. Students walked away with a wealth of advice, tips and strategies for building a network.
Learn more about how the BUAA opens doors.
To explore the many ways you can connect with Bucknell University and our 52,000+ alumni around the globe, visit
Be sure to share your questions, comments or concerns with the Bucknell University Alumni Association Board of Directors. We want to hear from you!